Friday, March 25, 2011

Tips For Maintaining Your Eyes

Beautiful EyesYour eyes are very important. What would you do if your eyes did not allow you to see? We usually do not think about it although we are using them daily and sometimes we are using them even too much. Especially if we work on a computer, eyes can get very tired
However, we should keep our eyes in good health.There are many ways to do it. It is a daily task.

There are various aspects to take into consideration. All of them are important.
1. Keep your eyes clean. 
Wash them simply with clean water. Be careful if you use make up for your eyes. Take it off thoroughly before you go to sleep.

2. Cover your eyes when the sun shines. 
Bright light is not good for your eyes. It can even be a stress.

3. Did you know that nutrition can influence your eyes?
When you eat food that contains vitamin A, you do your eyes a favor. They like it. One important thing you should bear in mind: is to add some fat, be it oil or butter. Vitamin A needs fat. It is soluble in fat. Carrots, egg-yolks and milk contain vitamin A, the same do dark green leaf vegetables. Also carotenes are good for your eyes and you find them in yellow or red fruits and vegetables. You see, there are plenty of sources to get this vitamin without need of supplements.

4. There are some exercises that you can do to strengthen your eyes.
The first and most known is certainly the palming of your eyes. You rub your palms together and cover your eyes.You may keep the eyes open or closed. The influence of your palms can be enhanced when you say in your mind that the energy penetrates your eyes completely and that it fully regenerates them.
Then you massage the inner end and the outer end of your eyebrows three times each on both eyes. Then you massage the point just below your eyes, on the bone,and the point at the inner end of your eyes. Each point should gently be massaged three times. Then you repeat the whole cycle seven times. The massage is very soft, but you will feel its beneficial effect on the eyes.
There is another point you can add. It is located at the center of both of your eyebrows.
You can repeat these massages various times during the day. It is a simple way to keep your eyes in good health.

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