Monday, October 29, 2012

Cervical Cancer Prevention with Cervarix / VACCINE


Cervari is a vaccine for cervical cancer in Indonesia, which is intended for both young girls and adult women (aged 10 years s / d 55 years) for the prevention of cervical cancer.
The vaccine contains antigens for HPV types 16 and 18 cause more than 70% of cervical cancer cases in the world.
GSK's cervical cancer vaccine provides 100% protection against human papillomavirus (HPV) types 16 and 18 are associated with lesions of pre-kanker.
Cervarix also provide additional protection against other oncogenic HPV types are HPV types 45, 31 and 52.
Cervarix is ​​formulated with an adjuvant system technology ASO4. ASO4 encourage the formation of a stronger immune response and durable than the aluminum adjuvant tradisional.
All women are at risk of cervical cancer during their lifetime, regardless of age and lifestyle

HPV is a common virus, easily passed through genital skin contact. Both teenage girls and adult women at risk for cervical cancer is caused by repeated infection of HPV cause kanker.
Estimated that up to 50-80% of women will have an HPV infection in their lifetime, 7-9 and up to 50% percent of these infections could potentially cause cancer. 9-11 The risk of infection since the first sexual contact.
Most HPV infections go away on its own, but some will stay. 13 Unlike other viruses, when a woman has been infected with HPV, does not mean she will have immunity to this virus. 7.14-19 Therefore, even if a woman has been exposed to HPV, she still has the risk of recurrent infection of HPV types are the same or different, and remain at risk for cervical cancer.
Indications Cervarix
In Indonesia, GSK's cervical cancer vaccine aimed at teenage girls and adult women to prevent cervical cancer by protecting from infection and the incidence of persistent infection at the stage of CIN 2 and more severe lesions caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) types 16 and 18. This vaccine has demonstrated efficacy against persistent infection caused by oncogenic HPV types other than HPV 16 and HPV 18.
Vaccination schedule for GSK's cervical cancer vaccine consists of three doses, given at months 0, the 1st and the 6th.

Cervarix has been tested on 40,000 study subjects and has demonstrated a good level of tolerance.
In the world, every two minutes a woman dies of cervical cancer.
In Indonesia, cervical cancer is the number one cancer that most commonly affects women in Indonesia.
Cervical cancer is a cancer that can affect women with diverse backgrounds and different ages all over the world. Starting with the cervix - the part of the uterus (or womb) and then reach the vagina - and gradually will spread if not given treatment.
Cervical cancer can often infect and kill women in the productive age (30-50 years of age), often at the time they still have social and economic responsibilities towards children and other family members.
Pap smears can detect early-stage cervical cancer by identifying the cell changes on the cervix.
In general, will not be visible symptoms in the early stages of cancer serviks.
The risk of developing cervical cancer in women who are not screened regularly is five times higher than the teratur.
Screening is important because it can help detect cervical cancer development, but it can not prevent HPV infection.
There are 15 types of cancer-causing HPV types can lead to cervical cancer; HPV 16 and 18, causing more than 70% of cervical cancer in the Asia Pacific region and the world.
HPV is a common virus.
HPV easily transmitted through genital skin contact
Both teenage girls and adult women at risk for cervical cancer is caused by infection or recurrent infection caused by HPV causes cancer.
Most HPV infections go away on its own, but some will stay. 26 Unlike other viruses, when a woman infected with HPV virus, does not mean she will have immunity to this virus. 3.27-32 Therefore, although a woman has been exposed to HPV, she is still at risk for recurrent infection of HPV types are the same or different, and remain at risk of developing cancer serviks.
The vaccine targets HPV types 16 and 18 have the potential to prevent more than 70% of cervical cancer incidence 19
In the future, vaccination with screening can reduce the risk of cervical cancer compared with screening alone and can reduce the number of abnormal screening that require follow-up significantly.

HPV and Cervical Cancer

In the world, about 500,000 women are diagnosed with cervical cancer and an average of 270,000 deaths annually. Women who are sexually active are infected risk of cervical cancer or early stage disease regardless of age or lifestyle. 
- New cases of cervical cancer 40-45 / 9-10 days

- The number of deaths due to cervical cancer is 20-25 / hari9-10

- Every one hour, one woman died of cancer serviks9-10

How to detect cervical cancer?

HPV - the virus that causes cervical cancer

- HPV types 16, 18, 45, 52 and 31 are responsible for more than 80% of cervical cancer cases in Asia Pasifik
Every woman at risk of contracting cervical cancer during their lifetime, regardless of age and lifestyle. An estimated 50-80% of women were infected with HPV through sexual contact in their lives, 3,21,22 and potentially cause cancer by 50%. 22-24 The risk of infection since the first sexual contact. 

Prevention by HPV vaccination
The vaccine will enhance the ability of the immune system to recognize and destroy the virus when it enters the body, before the infection.

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