Smoking facts
- Smoking is the single most important preventable cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide.
- The costs form disease related to smoking are immense in terms of human suffering, constrains on health services resources and lost employment.
- There is linkage between smoking, drinking and illicit drug use.
- Smoking is associated with problems of poverty, unemployment and other kinds of deprivation.
- Smoking is more in lower social classes.
- The incidence of starting smoking rises rapidly from age of 11 years, peak at age 17-19 years and fall after age of 23.
- There are 1.1 billion smokers which is about 1/3 of the world population age>15.
- There is a decrease in tobacco smoking in developed countries and increase in developing countries.
What makes smoking harmful?
- Cigarette smoking contains over 4000 chemicals and a dozen of gases.
- Tha main components of this are nicotine, carbon monoxide and tar.
- Nicotine reinforces and strengthens the desire to smoke.
- A drop of pure nicotine injected into the body would cause instant death in a few minutes.
What is smoking?
Cigars / Cigarettes / Pipes
- All types of smoking are harmful
- FDA has classified tobacco as a drug
- Amount of nicotine absorbed from tobacco smoke varies from 90% in those who inhale to 10% in those who do not.
- Pipe and cigar smoker suffer much smaller risks than cigarette smoker probably because they inhale less.
- Low-Tar cigarettes have no health benefits over regular product.
Wrong beliefs
Many people think that cigarettes help them relax. They Don’t !! Nicotine wears off quickly and this withdrawal makes you feel tense. Smoking calms the nictonie cravings, and coping with regular need to smoke can be very stressful.
Health risks of smoking
The principal fatal diseases caused by smoking are cancer, COPD, and cardiovascular diseases. Risks of smoking are dose and duration dependent.
It is well known that cigarette smokers lose on average 7.5 years of life. Smoking can also increase the incidence and severity of everyday complaints. Many people don’t realize that coughing, sneezing and shortness of breath on exertion can be caused by their smoking habit. Smokers are more likely to have more time off school and work and be less fit.
Passive smoking
Medical researches has shown that adults exposed to passive smoking may experience the following:
- Irritation to the eyes, nose and throat.
- Headaches, dizziness and sickness.
- Aggravation of asthma and allergies.
- Increased risk of heart disease.
- 1 0-30% increased risk of lung cancer, for non-smokers who are exposed to passive smoking over long periods.
Also medical researches has shown that babies and children exposed to passive smoking have:
- A much higher risk of cot death than children of non-smokers.
- An increased risk of meningitis.
- More chances of ear infections and “glue ear”, which can lead to partial deafness and chronic ear disease.
- More coughs, colds and wheezes.
In addition, research has shown babies and children exposed to smoky atmosphere are:
- Twice as likely to have asthma attacks and chest infections.
- More likely to need hospital care in their first year of life.
- Off sick from school more often.
The benefits of stopping smoking
Stopping smoking is the greatest single step a person can take to improve their health. So smoking cessation lessens tha risk of cancer development, and causes immediate positive effects on breathing. In addition, causes greater ability to cope with exertion, decreases cough attacks, and halt any decline in lung function.
Good news
- If you stop smoking you delay the damage to your health and if you stop soon enough there will be no damage.
- Over all mortality risk approaches that never-smoker after 10-15 years.
- Decline in lung function approaches that of never-smoker after 3-4 years.
- Risk of lung cancer reduced by half after 10 years.
- Risk of heart disease reduced by at least half after one year.
Why people quit smoking?
- Terrible smell.
- High cost.
- Increasing pressure from lack of fitness.
- Family pressure.
- Smoking is the greatest health hazard mankind has ever faced.
What are the predictors of outcome of smoking cessation efforts???
- Motivation to quit.
- Confidence in quitting
- Intention to quit.
- Degree of nicotine addiction.
But there are barriers to smoking cessation among them, the fear of failing. In addition the disabling withdrawal symptoms, and concerns about weight gain which brings us to weight loss “story”.
Worried about putting on weight???
Some people put of the decision to quit because they worry about weight gain. But on average the increase after a year is quite small.
The main reasons that people put on weight are because nicotine suppresses your natural appetite and ‘ups’ your body’s metabolism. So when you stop smoking your appetite can increase, and many people find that the food is tastier, so they eat more when they stop smoking. In addition some people replace cigarettes with snacks and sweets, or change their normal diet.
To avoid putting weight remember that once you have stopped smoking you will find it easier to lose extra weight. Weight is a minor health risk compared to the many risks of smoking. And if you eat sensibly and keep as active as possible weight gain can be controlled. Find new ways to keep fit. Try the stairs instead of the lift or take longer walks.
Women who smoke increase their risk of the following :
Miscarriage and other problems during pregnancy, low birth weight and premature babies. Not to forget stillbirth and death of the baby in the first month of life. Also menopause two to three years early. Increase in heart attack and stroke especially if they also use the combined oral contraceptives. Finally smoking may increase the incidence of osteoporosis (brittle bone disease).
Planning for the quit date
On the day you stop smoking get ready to make changes in both the way you think and act!
To improve temptations
- Choose a stress free quit date.
- Not to buy or curry any cigarettes.
- Put away reminders like ashtrays, matches, lighters etc.
- Avoid alcohol until you are sure it won’t weaken your resolve.
To get support
- Talk to a relative/friend about why stopping is important to you.
- Talk to an ex-smoker. Find out how they stopped. If they can, you can too.
- Team up with someone else for mutual support.
To change your thoughts about smoking
- Remember that ‘just one’ cigarette will undo all your hard work.
- Remind yourself why you want to stop and the benefits to you.
- Remember that you are the one in control.
- Take each day as it comes.
To cope with urges to smoke
- Remember that craving pass quickly.
- Stop and take some long, slow deep breaths.
- Drink a glass of water very slowly.
- Read through ideas of ways to cope.
During the first week
- Try taking different way to work, college or the shops.
- Keep busy; begin a project, or DIY job.
- Go to non-smoking areas/venues.
- Go to outside for some fresh air each day.
- Quit Smoking Today | Stop Smoking With NLP
Quit Smoking Today with NLP - My name is Rob Mellor and I am the founder of Quit Smoking Today. Thank you for taking the time to read the message...YOU WILL BE THANKFUL YOU DID!
Smoking cessation facts
- Stopping smoking is the best gift you can give yourself.
- The most important thing a parent can do to keep their child healthy is ensure they live in a smoke-free environment.
- If giving up was easy, any one could do it.
- People who prepare to stop smoking are always the most successful.
- New habits take time to become natural. Don’t expect to be able to change your life at once or be perfect the first time.
- Be very proud of the tremendous thing you are achieving. Congratulate yourself .
- Relapse is common, you didn’t fail- you jus needed more time to succeed.
- Do not feel guilty, people make mistakes. Don’t let one mistake undo all your hard work.
- Ask a friend to stop with you and support each other.
- The more past attempt to stop smoking the more likely to stop in the future.
- Count the money you save. Spend it on yourself and family.
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